Hello and welcome to the third episode of the Two-Eyed Seeing. In this episode, we’re going to be talking about residential school. This happens to be a triggering topic for you, because you have either been a survivor of residential school or you have a close family member who is a survivor of residential school then maybe this might not be the right time to listen to this episode. Potentially, I encourage you to hold off to this one. But if you don’t know what residential school even means or you’ve heard it in passing, then I highly encourage you to listen to this episode.
WHAT IS A RESIDENTIAL SCHOOL PROGRAM FOR INDIGENOUS? In this episode, I’m going to give you all a brief explanation about the history of Canadian Residential School Program. This is a very interesting topic and a must learn so we’d be able to appreciate and understand the true history of Canada. Stay Tuned!
[1:13] Introduction and context for this episode – What is a Residential School? [2:53] The main objective of Residential School. [5:16] The main point was to take the indigenous out of them so that they would fit into the mainstream society. [8:22] Another important impact about residential schools. [9:50] It is the concept of generational trauma to be found out as a result of residential schools. [11:17] We need to understand our history as Canadians to better serve the future. [12:13] One of the bright lights that resulted from residential schools. [15:44] If you are unaware of residential school, try to read and understand some articles of this historical program. [17:34] My final statements and takeaways. EPISODE RESOURCES:
In today’s episode of Two-Eyed Seeing, we’ll be having our very first interview with none other than my father, Doctor Ed Connors. So stay tuned as we’re going to be talking all about things around Two-Eyed Seeing, and understanding what this concept actually means.
USE BOTH EYES TO DETERMINE COLLABORATION AND WHAT IS THAT IS OF BEST INTEREST FOR US IN TERMS OF DETERMINING WHICH KNOWLEDGE IS BEST TO FOLLOW. Making use of both the Indigenous and Western knowledge and thoroughly understanding its principles is a simple definition of Two-Eyed Seeing. If we were to treat both knowledge as equals and gaining ultimate gains from it is the result from recognizing and respecting both knowledge and its value. Today we will be speaking with Dr. Ed Connors. And we will be covering what Two-Eyed Seeing is in more detail, and explore the underlying gems of learning about the concept. Stay Tuned!
[0:59] Introduction of the context and guest for this episode— bits of Dr. Ed Connors’ background and why he is a great person to speak about this topic. [4:50] Common Spirits and Dr. Connors’ life journey. [8:53] Getting more into the concept of Two-Eyed Seeing: Understanding the etymology, in depth explanation of the concept and how to use it by going back to its history. [14:42] Changes that created the underlying concepts that make up the importance of inquiring over different perspectives. [18:08] Turtle Island and its history of colonization that gave way to understanding both Indigenous and Western worldview. [22:45] “Although we have these differences that we could actually do recognized the commonalities.” [26:51] My take on the in depth explanation of the Two-Eyed Seeing concept and the inquiry about how we can use both Indigenous and Western knowledge. [28:28] Western knowledge on survivability sustainability and the personal experience with the combination of using Indigenous and Western knowledge on healing and medicine. [33:18] Steps of conceptualizing Two-Eyed Seeing for starters; experiences and examples.
Hello and welcome to the first episode of the Two-Eyed Seeing. In this episode, we’re going to cover a little bit of who I am, and what Two-Eyed Seeing really is all about.
WHAT IS TWO-EYED SEEING ALL ABOUT? In this episode, I’m going to give you all a heads up about The Two-Eyed Seeing and what it really is all about. This is my first episode and I hope that you will like and engage with me soon, so I can hear your feedback and opinions. Stay Tuned and reach out to me soon! |